Pittsburghers are divided on how to pronounce the name of Wholey's Market
It's the Strip District mainstay many of us in Southwestern Pennsylvania all know.
"Big sign on the front, Wholey's, Wholey's fish," Lisa Meggett of Pittsburgh said.
Maybe not everyone knows though, as a recent scene from "The Pitt" proves.
"You think Wholey's will still be open by the time we get off?" said actor Patrick Ball, who plays Dr. Frank Langdon in the series. He pronounced it "Hol-ees."
Some customers who spoke with KDKA-TV thought that pronunciation was perplexing.
"That's not the name!", Meggett said.
There were a lot of unusual stares from customers we spoke with Wednesday, who seemingly showed no remorse.
"They're not real Pittsburghers," said Nancy Newman of Pittsburgh.
Muriel Maze, the Marketing Coordinator of Wholey's Market said the people behind this blunder aren't the only ones to botch the name.
"I know there's a lot of people that come in here that still say 'Wholey's'," Maze said. "We let it slide you know, it's okay."
She still had to set the record straight though, even making a post about it on Facebook.
"You pronounce it 'wool-ees' it's like a sheep wool," Maze said.
She's also reaching out her hand to others with the hot food served by the market.
"If anyone from the Pitt sees this, we'd love to welcome them down here," Maze said. "We'll give them a Wholey's fish sandwich, and they can experience it for themselves."
Some customers don't really feel sympathetic.
"Figure it out and get it right," Meggett said.